Creating a color gradient
Here is an example of creating a vector of colors that forms a gradient between color A and color B:
# Specify the two colors
color_A = colors()[1]
color_B = colors()[122]
# Define a function that will create the gradient
color_gradient_function <- colorRampPalette( c( color_A, color_B ) )
# Generate a vector with a specified number of steps between the colors
color_vector <- color_gradient_function( 10 )
# Optional function to display results
display_colors <- function( color_vector ) {
N = length( color_vector )
plot( 1:N, 1:N, pch = 15, cex = 5, col = color_vector,
bty = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '' )
display_colors( color_vector )