Regression to the mean
Table of contents
1. Section 1
Statistical model:
For individuals i = {i, …, n} and runs t = {1, 2 }, let us assume the statistcal model for a hypothetical 1-mile run time is:
\[\textrm{run}_{i,t} = \beta_0 + \eta_i + \epsilon_{i,t} \textrm{ where } \eta_i \sim N( 0, \sigma^{\eta} ) \textrm{ and } \epsilon_{i,t} \sim N( 0, \sigma^{\epsilon} ).\]# install.packages( 'dplyr' )
library( dplyr )
# Fix RNG seed for reproducibility
set.seed( 100 )
B0 = 9 # Mean time to run a mile (minutes)
sigma = 1 # Standard deviation
# Standard deviation for subject-level differences
sigma_eta = .5
# Standard deviation for differences between
# runs (i.e., residual variation)
sigma_epsilon = sqrt( (sigma^2) - sigma_eta^2 )
# Sample size
n = 100
# Initialize data frmae
dtf = data.frame(
ID = rep( 1:n ),
# Subject-level deviations
eta = NA,
# Residual deviations
epsilon_1 = NA,
epsilon_2 = NA,
# Intervention (based on performance on first run)
Intervention = 'Criticize',
x = NA, # Dummy code for intervention
# Observed 1-mile run time (minutes)
run_1 = NA,
run_2 = NA,
stringsAsFactors = F
# Simulate subject-level deviations in run time
# (i.e., individual differences in performance,
# constant over run 1 and 2)
dtf$eta = rnorm( n, 0, sigma_eta )
# Simulate independent residual variation
# between run 1 and 2
dtf$epsilon_1 = rnorm( n, 0, sigma_epsilon )
dtf$epsilon_2 = rnorm( n, 0, sigma_epsilon )
# Simulate run times (no effect of intervention)
dtf$run_1 = B0 + dtf$eta + dtf$epsilon_1
dtf$run_2 = B0 + dtf$eta + dtf$epsilon_2
# Specify intervention type based on
# performance on run 1
# Above-average performance gets praise
dtf$Intervention[ dtf$run_1 > B0 ] = 'Praise'
# Dummy coded version
dtf$x = as.numeric( dtf$run_1 > B0 )
# Correlation between runs 1 and 2
# (i.e., stability between subjects)
cor( dtf$run_1, dtf$run_2 )
dtf %>%
) %>%
Mean_change = round( mean( run_2 - run_1 ), 2 ),
.groups = 'drop'
# Intervention Mean_change
# 1 Criticize 0.53
# 2 Praise -0.48
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1. Section 2
# Example R code
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