Function to add lines and error bars to an existing plot.
y = NULL,
lb = NULL,
ub = NULL,
columns = NULL,
pch = 19,
cex = 1.25,
lwd = 2,
lty = 1,
arrow = FALSE,
length = 0.05,
col = "black",
col.p = "black",
col.eb = col_to_hex("grey", 0.5),
bg = "white",
border = NA,
aes = NULL
Either a numeric vector or a data frame.
An optional numeric vector matching in length to x
An optional numeric vector matching in length to x
specifying the lower bounds for error bars.
An optional numeric vector matching in length to x
specifying the upper bounds for error bars.
A character vector of either 2 or 4 elements, the column names for the x and y-axis values and (optionally) the column names for the lower and upper bounds of the error bars.
The type of point to draw
(see par
The size of the points to draw
(see par
The width of the lines
(see par
The type of line to draw
(see par
Logical; if TRUE
draws individual error bars
while if FALSE
draws a single filled bar.
The width of the caps on the error bars.
The color of the lines
(see par
The color of the points
(see par
The color of the error bars.
The background color of the points
(see par
The color for the border of a single filled error bar.
An optional named character vector specifying
column names (if x
is a data frame) with
values for pch
, cex
, lwd
, col
, col.p
, col.eb
and bg
Adds lines and error bars to an existing plot.
# Draw a line
draw_lines( c( 0, .5, 1 ), c( 0, .5, 1 ) )
# Pass points in via data frame
data.frame( X = c( .1, .2, .3 ), Y = c( .8, .8, .8 ) ),
lty = 2, lwd = 3, col.p = 'blue', col = 'blue'
# Compute mean, SE, and 95% CI limits for data set
dtf <- aggregate(
mtcars$mpg, list( mtcars$cyl, mtcars$am ),
function(x) c( mean(x), sem(x) )
dtf$X <- rep( 1:3, 2 )
dtf$M <- dtf$x[,1];
dtf$LB <- dtf$x[,1] - dtf$x[,2] * 1.96
dtf$UB <- dtf$x[,1] + dtf$x[,2] * 1.96
# Create blank plot
xl <- c( .5, 3.5 ); yl <- c( 5, 35 )
plot_blank( xl, yl )
draw_hv( h = yl, l = xl )
draw_hv( v = xl, l = yl )
# Draw lines for automatic transmission
columns = c( 'X', 'M', 'LB', 'UB' )
# Draw lines for manual transmission
dtf[1:3 + 3,],
columns = c( 'X', 'M', 'LB', 'UB' ),
col = 'blue', col.p = 'blue', col.eb = col_to_hex( 'blue', .3 )
# Add axes and labels
draw_axes( 1:3, dtf$Group.1[1:3] )
mtext( 'Cylinders', side = 1, line = 2, cex = 1.25 )
draw_axes( c( 10, 20, 30 ), side = 2 )
mtext( 'MPG', side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.25 )
# Add legend
2.5, 30,
c( 'Automatic', 'Manual' ),
fill = c( 'black', 'blue' ),
bty = 'n'