Function to plot either a) the upper triangle component of a correlation matrix, or b) a panel of correlations (e.g., between raw and component scores from a PCA, between predictors and different outcomes, etc.).
dtf = NULL,
n = NULL,
p_values = NULL,
labels = NULL,
label_pos = c(0.2, 0.25),
only_upper_tri = TRUE,
new = TRUE,
width = 5,
height = 5,
margin = NULL,
fill = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9"),
opaque = 0.4,
cex = c(0.8, 0.8),
value = TRUE,
digits = 2,
method = "BH",
alpha = 0.05,
legend_pos = c(0, 0.5, 0)
A data frame, a set of variables to compute a correlation matrix over.
A matrix of correlations (must be supplied
if dtf
is not provided, otherwise computed
An integer, the sample size for the correlations
(computed automatically if dtf
is provided).
A matrix of p-values (must have same dimensions
as R
Either a character vector with the labels for the rows of the correlation matrix, or a list of character vectors with the labels for the rows and columns, respectively, for the correlation matrix.
A numeric vector the x-axis adjustment for row labels and the y-axis adjustment for column labels, respectively.
A logical value, TRUE
only the upper triangle of the correlation matrix
should be plotted.
A logical value; if TRUE
a new plotting
window is created.
An integer value, the width in inches of the plot.
An integer value, the height in inches of the plot.
A numeric vector, four values specifying the margins of the plot in inches, giving the spacing for the bottom, left, top, and right sides respectively.
A character vector, the colors for negative and positive correlations respectively.
A numeric value ranging from 0 to 1, with lower values indicating greater translucency of the fill color.
A numeric vector of two values, the text size for the row/column labels and correlation values, respectively.
An integer value, the number of digits to round correlation values to.
A character string, the method to use for multiple comparison adjustment (see stats::p.adjust).
A numeric value between 0 and 1, the cut-off for statistical significance (default is 0.05).
A numeric vector of 3 values governing the y-axis position and x-axis positions, respectively, for the legend.
A plot of the correlations.
# Correlation matrix
plot_correlations( dtf = mtcars, new = FALSE )
# Example based on PCA
# Loading matrix
lambda <- cbind(
c( runif( 4, .3, .9 ), rep( 0, 4 ) ),
c( rep( 0, 4 ), runif( 4, .3, .9 ) )
# Communalities
D_tau <- diag( runif( 8, .5, 1.5 ) )
cov_mat <- lambda %*% t( lambda ) + D_tau
cor_mat <- cov2cor( cov_mat )
set.seed( 341 ) # For reproducibility
x <- MASS::mvrnorm( n = 200, mu = rep( 0, 8 ), Sigma = cor_mat )
colnames(x) <- paste0( 'C', 1:8 )
PCA <- principal_components_analysis( x )
# Correlations between raw variables
# and component scores from PCA
R = PCA$Correlations$Train[, 1:2], n = 200,
labels = list(
paste0( 'Variable ', 1:8 ),
paste0( 'Comp. ', 1:2 )
only_upper_tri = F, margin = c( .25, 2, .25, .25 ),
legend_pos = c( 0, 0, -.25 ),
new = FALSE