Generates a simple forest plot (defined here as a plot of multiple estimates and their associated error bars).
lower = NULL,
upper = NULL,
point_type = 19,
point_color = "black",
point_background = "white",
text_size = 1,
line_width = 2,
line_color = "black",
margin = NULL,
labels_y = NULL,
labels_x = NULL,
labels_estimates = NULL,
labels_estimates_pos = 4,
labels_estimates_limit = NULL,
labels_position = -1.25,
title_x = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
vert_grid = 0,
vert_color = "black",
vert_type = 1,
horiz_grid = FALSE,
horiz_color = "grey80",
new = FALSE,
w = 5,
h = 5
Either a vector of estimates or a data.frame/matrix with three columns consisting of the estimates, the lower limits the for error bars, and the upper limits for the error bars).
A vector matching in length to
with the lower limits for
the error bars.
A vector matching in length to
with the upper limits for
the error bars.
An integer vector specifying the type of point to draw (see graphics::points).
A character vector specifying the color(s) for the points.
A character vector specifying the color(s) for the point backgrounds.
A numeric vector of three elements specifying the size of the points to draw, the size of the x and y-axis labels, and the size of the x-axis title, respectively. If less than three elements are given, elements are recycled to produce the necessary length.
A numeric vector of three elements, the line widths for the error bars, the horizontal grid lines, and the vertical grid lines, respectively.
A character vector specifying the color(s) for the error bars.
A numeric vector specifying the margin sizes (in inches) for the bottom, left, top, and right-hand sides of the figure.
A character vector, the labels for the y-axis.
A numeric vector giving the x-axis
labels. If NULL
the function attempts to
automatically create the labels.
A character vector, the labels to add next to each estimate within the plot.
An integer value indicating the side to place labels for estimates, where 1 = bottom, 2 = left, 3 = top, and 4 = right.
A numeric value specifying the highest or lowest value an estimate label can be placed when placing to the left or right, respectively.
A numeric vector of three elements, the position at which to draw the y-axis labels, the x-axis labels, and the x-axis title, respectively.
A character string, the x-axis title.
A numeric vector with the lower and
upper limits for the x-axis plotting boundary.
the function computes it using
A numeric vector giving the x-axis
positions for vertical grid lines. If NULL
no grid lines are drawn.
A character vector specifying the color(s) for the vertical grid lines.
Logical; if TRUE
grid lines are added to separate the different
estimates visually.
A character vector specifying the color for the horizontal grid lines.
Logical; if TRUE
a new plotting window
is generated.
An integer value, the width of a new plotting window.
An integer value, the height of a new plotting window.
A forest plot.
# Example data set
dtf <- ChickWeight[ ChickWeight$Time == 21, ]
# Compute uncertainty intervals around means
x <- stats_by_group( dtf, 'weight', 'Diet', c( 'N', 'M', 'SE', 'UI' ) )
# Basic forest plot
x[, c( 'M', 'UI_LB', 'UI_UB') ], labels_y = 'Diet ' %p% 1:4,
new = FALSE
# Nicely formatted forest plot
# T-test against overall mean
x$P_value <- pt(
abs( x$M - mean(x$M) ) / x$SE, x$N - 1, lower.tail = FALSE
signifcant <- x$P_value < .05
# Summary of results
results <-
round( x$M ) %p% ' [' %p% round( x$UI_LB ) %p% ', ' %p%
round( x$UI_UB ) %p% ']; p = ' %p%
format( round( x$P_value, 3 ), nsmall = 3 )
x[, c( 'M', 'UI_LB', 'UI_UB') ],
xlim = c( 140, 340 ), labels_x = seq( 140, 340, 40 ),
labels_y = 'Diet ' %p% 1:4, labels_estimates = results,
labels_estimates_limit = 230,
new = FALSE, horiz_grid = TRUE, vert_grid = mean( x$M ),
point_type = replace_cases( signifcant, c( T, F ), c( 21, 19 ) ),
margin = c( .5, .5, .2, 1.75 ), text_size = c( 1.25, .8 )